Enter Victoria – Villain or Vixen?

Everyone loves a bad boy.  Everyone loves a good girl, but what happens when you combine a bad boy with a bad girl?  You end up with a spicy love scene. 

I’m sure you’ve all met her before.  She’s a beautiful woman with a cunning demeanor and clever tongue.  She gets what she wants and it’s normally more than anyone can afford.  She’s crafty and educated, but she brings a lot of baggage wherever she goes.  In a nutshell, she’s Victoria.

I had so much fun with this character.  Many readers wrote in to me completely livid that she was allowed so many “liberties” as one of my faithful readers in Dublin lamented.  However, I wanted to give the story a little edge. 

Victoria has many sides.  She’s a good worker.  She’s a good lover.  She’s a manipulative con artist and bit of a “recreational user”. 

My question to my readers is why do you hate her or lover her so.  I know my reasons.  I wanted a woman who was completely unreadable in DRF.  But what was your take as you read about her?  Did you want to tear her eyeballs out or did you dig her?

~ by Latrivia Welch on July 22, 2010.

6 Responses to “Enter Victoria – Villain or Vixen?”

  1. Victoria was wild! I liked her charactor because she was honest with her feelings and took in my opinion responsibility for her actions. As the reader you are able to see how Victoria was ‘valued added’ to the storyline. She knew she had problems but once she crossed the Medlov’s she knew she was in trouble. I was Victoria was able to get Anatoly’s attention in DRF.

  2. Victoria was wild! I liked her charactor because she was honest with her feelings and took in my opinion responsibility for her actions. As the reader you are able to see how Victoria was ‘valued added’ to the storyline. She knew she had problems but once she crossed the Medlov’s she knew she was in trouble. I was glad Victoria was able to get Anatoly’s attention in DRF and show the reader he was able to find a special woman who could keep his attention.

    • Denise, there were quite a few women who liked her. Victoria is a unquie character. She is both good and bad. She’s that beautiful, devious girlfriend that men often are attracted to on many levels but don’t konw why. However, I think everyone (those who like her and those who don’t) will enjoy the ride in Anatoly’s book. I really can’t wait to release this one.

  3. I don’t like her. Even though Royal forgave her and Anatoly is phsically attracted to her, I hope you are not going to make her his love interest in his book. Please come up with another character. Her return at the end took the excitement away for me. She is just too devious for me.

  4. Victora is the kind of woman you love to hate. But not a good match for Anatoly because she does not bring out his soft side. The side that loves, the tender feelings he has for his sister and the fire he feels for Renee. The love he has for his father, and stepmother. With that same kind of love; he will love his cousin Gabe. He does not show it yet, but with Renee it will grow before he knows he capable of loving.


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